Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) explains how Gluesys Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) places a high value on your personal information and complies with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Personal Information Protection Act, and other relevant laws and regulations related to personal information protection that businesses must comply with.
Through this Policy, the Company informs you of the purpose and method of using the personal information you provide, as well as the measures taken to protect your personal information. If the Company revises its Policy, it will notify you through the website (or individually).
[This policy is effective from August 30, 2014.]

1. Information to be Collected and Method of Collection

The Company collects the following personal information for product purchase inquiries and related consultations.

2. Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information

All information you provide will not be used for purposes other than those necessary for the purposes below, and if the scope, purpose, or use of the collected information changes, we will seek your prior consent.

3. Retention and Use Period of Personal Information

Once the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved, the information will be immediately destroyed. Specifically, personal information will be retained and used during the period the Company provides newsletter subscription services to the customer and will be destroyed when the subscription is canceled.

4. Personal Information Destruction Procedure and Method

In principle, the Company will immediately destroy personal information once the purpose of its collection and use is achieved. The destruction procedure and method are as follows :

5. Provision of Personal Information

The Company uses your personal information within the scope notified in ‘2. Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information’ and, in principle, does not disclose your personal information to external parties without your prior consent. However, the following cases are exceptions :

6. Rights and Obligations of Users and How to Exercise Them

You can view or correct your registered personal information at any time. If you wish to view or correct your personal information, please contact the person in charge of personal information management in writing, by phone, or by email, and we will take immediate action. If you request correction of an error in your personal information, we will not use or provide the information until the correction is complete. If incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will immediately notify the third party of the correction to ensure it is made. You can withdraw your consent to the collection, use, and provision of personal information at any time while using the service. You can directly withdraw consent through ‘Cancel Newsletter Subscription’ procedure or contact the person in charge of personal information management in writing, by phone, or by email, and we will take immediate necessary actions such as destroying your personal information. Personal information that is canceled or deleted at your request is processed in accordance with the “Retention and Use Period of Personal Information” and cannot be viewed or used for any other purpose. You must not violate the Personal Information Protection Act or other related laws by infringing on the personal information or privacy of others processed in accordance with this Policy. For children under the age of 14, legal representatives have the right to view, correct, and withdraw consent to the collection and use of the child’s personal information. In this case, the Company may collect the minimum necessary personal information from the child.

7. Matters Concerning the Installation, Operation, and Rejection of Automatic Personal Information Collection Devices

The Company operates ‘cookies’ that store and retrieve your information from time to time. A cookie is a very small text file sent to your browser by the server used to operate the website, which is stored on your computer’s storage media. The Company uses cookies for the following purposes :
You have the option to install cookies. Therefore, you can allow all cookies by setting options in your web browser, go through a confirmation process whenever a cookie is stored, or refuse to store all cookies. However, if you refuse to install cookies, there may be difficulties in providing the service.

8. Personal Information Management Officer and Manager

To protect your personal information and handle complaints related to personal information, the Company has designated a personal information management officer. If you have any questions regarding personal information, please contact the personal information management officer below. We will respond promptly and sincerely to your inquiries.

9. Measures to Ensure the Security of Personal Information

The Company takes the following measures to ensure the security of personal information :

10. Duty of Notification

This Policy was enacted on August 30, 2014. If there are any additions, deletions, or modifications to the content due to changes in government policies or security technologies, we will notify you through the ‘Notice’ section of the website at least 7 days prior.
Privacy Policy Effective Date : August 30, 2014